how to set goal ?
goals are necessary for every area of your life like health, travel, social life, relationship, family, career, fulfillment, peace of mind etc. if you still confuse why do we need to set the goal click here to know why goal setting is important. your goal will lead you to that path which leads you to the fulfillment and success.
setting goal is a bit hard thing, but with the clear mindset and proper guideline, it will become so much easier. so, before we set the goal we require a why sheet in which you have to write all your reason for the goal because in the low moment which definitely comes in the process to aching your goal this "why sheet" will help you to keep pursuing your goal.
for example, if you want to quit smoking than make your "why sheet" such in order to that like what happens when you diagnosed with cancer or effect of passive smoking on your wife or love once. maybe you can post the photo of a cancer patient on your why sheet and according to the very famous proverb goes like
"the man who knows his why will survive every how"
so after your why sheet, you can carry on to your goal as Napoleon Hill explains in his book you must write down your crystal clear goals, put them in to a place where you can read them after getting up from the bed or at the time when going to sleep at least 3 times a day, read them loudly so it will sink In your subconscious mind, fill like you already achieved your goal and write your goal in the present tense.
in order to write your goal or set it. it must contain the 5 main elements which are like S.M.A.R.T. which is also known as a SMART GOALS
what is the SMART goal?
SMART stands for
S - specific
M - measurable
A - attainable
R - relevant
T - time bound
this is the basic requirements for the setting of your goal. if you have ever failed in achieving your goal it may high chance that your goal was not "smart".
your goal must be specific like if you want to become rich you must have a clear amount in your mind and at what time you want to have that money at where place and why you need it which is explained below specific for money achievement well specific will subdivide in 5w which are
1. who = I
2. what = 2 million dollar
3. when = by the age of 35
4. where = no matter
5. why = I can retire
the measurable goal means you have the clear that what you fill, hear or see when you achieve your goal. it is like you break down your major goal in small and measurable goal to make a little progress daily to achieve it. quit smoking is the ultimate goal but in the process to achieve that you start eating healthy or working out daily that is the small step. measurable goal means have a finish line in your own race.
this is meant to be there for you do not lose motivation like if you think suddenly quit smoking is not good or attainable for you then you can go 2 cigarettes a day than 1 per day and then 1 per every 2 day that is how you can make progress. attainable simply means to keep you motivated and it must be achievable with little effort after that change to a higher goal.
the relevant also refer your "why sheet" like if you want to make 2 million dollars so that you can retire and travel the but it really requires 2 million dollars to retire and travel or it may be happening in less of that or event now you can travel the world.
time is money your goal must be time-bound and it must be able to attain in the tentative timeline everybody knows that deadline will make you most out of the person. keep the timeline realistic and flexible so you can keep your moral high.
so, here are the goals which keep you motivated and makes you achieve your goal.
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